Welcome to MCTE’s Fall 2019 Conference: Navigating the Joyful Journey!
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Rick Joseph

Covington School
5/6 Teacher
Royal Oak, Michigan
Rick Joseph is a National Board Certified Teacher and has taught 5th and 6th grade at Covington School in suburban Detroit since 2003. He previously served as a bilingual educator (Spanish) and trainer for nine years in the Chicago Public Schools. Rick has a bachelor's degree in English from the University of Michigan and a master's degree in elementary education from the University of Illinois - Chicago. He is pursuing a doctorate in literacy from Walden University.
Rick served as the 2016 Michigan Teacher of the Year.
He is married to Mary Beth Seefelt, an artist and art therapist. Mary Beth and Rick have two sons, Zachary and Nicholas. He lives in suburban Detroit.

Talk to me about all things related to equity, literacy and job-embedded professional learning, to start. I always enjoy learning from colleagues like you :-)